The National Archives of Sweden is the leading archival institution in Sweden and has also the supervision of public records deposited by all state agencies. The National Archive is commissioned by law to preserve, organise and care for these records in order to uphold the legal right of access to public records in the pursuit of justice, continuity of public administration, and facilitating of research. In this role the National Archives will disseminateand exploit the results of PREFORMA as a part of its legal task, including its right to give regulations for preservation of public records.

As a cultural heritage institution the National Archives also will spread the knowledge of the tools and services developed by PREFORMA to other memory institutions in Sweden (e g libraries, museums). This will be done through the special secretariat for coordination of digitisation, on line access and digital preservation in the culture heritage sector that the National Archives has organised on behalf of the Swedish Ministry of Culture. The National Library of Sweden, a partner in the PREFORMA project, is also taking part in this coordination. The National Archives has as a special task to pursue research and cooperate with the universities and other parts of scientific community. Also in this context the NationalArchives will disseminate and exploit PREFORMA outcomes.

Website: riksarkivet.se


The Swedish National Archives is the coordinator of the project and leads the CSA-Sustainable Network WP.


Börje Justrell

Dr. Börje Justrell is Director and Head of Operational Support at the National Archives of Sweden. He has since 1989 been responsible for technical matters at the National Archives. Justrell has been teaching archival science at the University of Stockholm for many years and also been a member of international committees within the archivists’ professional association, ICA. He has been representing Sweden in expert groups on digitisation and digital preservation within the European Commission and also worked (and still do) in a number of EU projects like Minerva, MinervaPlus, Linked Heritage, DC-NET and DCH-RP.He was the coordinator of the EU project PROTAGE on digital preservation in the 7th framework programme and between 2003 – 2009 responsible for an advanced international training programme for developing countries conducted by the Swedish National Archives and sponsored by the SIDA, the Swedish International Development Cooperation.

Magnus Geber

Magnus Geber is the Principal Administrative Officer at the Information and Preservation Department at the National Archives of Sweden. He has since mid 1980s worked as an expert on electronic archives and digital preservation, with experiences both from the hands on work to development of new solutions. For many years he has given lectures in these subjects at university level. Geber has been member of a number of expert groups, both nationally and internationally, and also worked in EU projects like Protage.

Benjamin Yousefi holds a Master of law degree from Stockholm University and has worked as a research assistant at The Swedish Law and Informatics Research Institute at Stockholm University. He has since 2013 been working at the National Archives as an administrative officer on senior level in the field of development and e-government.

Per Elfner

Per Elfner holds M.Pol.Sc and M.A degrees from universities in Stockholm. His professional background includes various positions as investigator and research assistant before coming to the National Archives in 2011. After a one-year stint at the Department of Supervision, where he worked as an investigator with a data collection assignment within appraisal theory and practice, he became Procurement Manager at the Administrative Department in 2012.