The consortium of PREFORMA is composed of fifteen partners, from nine European countries, ranging from the North to the South of the EU. The wide geographic spread is also complemented by a wide scientific and technical spread of competences and expertise.

The Swedish National Archives is the coordinator of the project and leads the Coordination and Support Action (CSA)-Sustainable Network WP.

Nine partners are memory institutions that manage programmes and digital archive projects and whose core business is in fact the management and preservation of these archives. They represent different organisations, ranging from national cultural institutions, audio-visual archives, public libraries to local memory institutions. Despite their different administrative position and size, they share same needs and expectations for digital preservation. They play the role of procurers and users in the project. They establish the requirements of the tender, provide the datasets against which the results of the procured research and development (R&D) services will be assessed and contribute to the wide communication and promotion of the project results. They also contribute to the sustainability plan for the project results by engaging their contacts with other memory institutions in Europe and worldwide. This will establish a network of common interest that will continue to maintain and improve the system and tools developed in the project, accommodating new standards and new features.

Five partners will contribute to the execution of the project with their specific expertise, namely:

  • ​Three research centres, two Universities (one in Sweden and one in Italy) and one institute of the Fraunhofer, providing expertise on standardisation and system testing
  • ​Three small enterprises (one in Belgium and two in Italy), providing expertise respectively on tenders specifications, technical coordination, communication and sustainability.