Several events have been planned during the project to raise awareness and disseminate the results of the project and to engage both with the open source community and with the memory institutions who will benefit from the software developed by the technology providers.
These include:
- The organisation of a workshop for memory institutions in Brussels on 5 March 2014. This provided the opportunity for them to agree on the functional requirements and technical specifications of the reference implementation tools to be developed in PREFORMA.
- The organisation of a public Information Day event in Brussels on 4 April 2014 to facilitate engagement and consultation with potential suppliers and to present the PREFORMA call for tender.
- A Workshop for Open Source companies in Stockholm on the 7 April 2016, in connection with the first Prototype Demonstration.
- An Experience Workshop in Berlin on 23 November 2016, in connection with the second Prototype Demonstration, where the PREFORMA partners share with memory institutions their experiences of working with suppliers under R&D services agreements.
- A Workshop in Padua on 7 March 2017 to demonstrate the conformance checkers for file-formats developed in the project and involve memory institutions outside the PREFORMA consortium in testing, using and further developing the software.
- A series of hands-on sessions and training workshops hosted by the PREFORMA memory institutions and organised between April and December 2017.
- A Final Conference in Tallinn on 11-12 October 2017, to present the final results of the project to the wider audience.
In addition, a series of webinars have been organised throughout the project to keep the community informed about the latest achievements and to demonstrate how to use the software developed in the project.
All the members of the PREFORMA community are invited to the above events and their proceedings will be made available online on the PREFORMA website. Visit the Community section of the website to find out more and to join the PREFORMA community.
More information on the ongoing activities can also be found on our project blog on